
Knowing more about the human reproduction

Today we have been working on a quiz about the human reproduction. We have used an interactive explanation on-line and we have had a Q&A section.

Did you know that in Spanish there are words to distinguish between monozygotic and dizygotic twins? Monozygotic twins, also called "identical twins" in English, are referred to as gemelos, while dizygotic twins, in English also "fraternal twins", are called mellizos. In Catalan they are referred to as bessons univitel·lins (monozygotic) and bessons bivitel·lins (dizygotic).


Differetiating between chemical compounds and mixtures

Today we have been working on the differences between chemical compounds and mixtures and we have consolidated our work on the periodic table and elements.

Did you know that the symbol for Sodium is 'Na' because the abbreviation comes from its Latin name, Natrium. The symbol 'S' is for Sulfur and the symbol 'Sm' is for Samarium.


The Human reproduction

Today we have begun to work the important subject of human reproduction.

The human reproductive system is different in males and females. 

When a sperm and egg join, the egg is fertilized and a baby starts to develop. Its mother provides all a baby’s needs until it is born.

The main objective of the next classes is learning more about some aspects of human reproduction such as the composition of the male and the female reproductive systems, as well as the menstrual cycle and how it works.   


We will also study the structure of gametes and the fertilization process. 

Then, we will see the process of embryonic development and how the birth of a human being takes place.

To complete this unit, we will review some aspects of puberty and we will try to answer a final test to check the knowledge gained on this interesting subject.

Fortunately, we are facing the final stretch of this academic year ... Oh my God!


Presentations about the human body

Today we have been presenting the muscular system, the sight and olfactory system. All the visual support used was in English and the presentations switched between Catalan and English.

You can watch some snippets of our students' presentations below.

We hope you enjoyed them as much as we did!


Psychology and Sociology: Trust exercises.

In class we have been dealing with the topic of emotional intelligence, and we have prepared for you a couple of videos, which show two experiences that we have performed on the trust emotion.

In the first experience, students let themselves fall backwards and are held by classmates who prevent them of hitting the floor.

In the second experience, some of the students walk around with their eyes closed. Their classmates stay quiet and are expected to guide them only by touching them gently in case they pass near them, so that they help the blind wanderers not to run into obstacles such as pieces of furniture or the walls of the classroom.

Once the experience was over, the students who took part in it were requested to share their feelings during the activity. It was both illustrative and funny!